Perspectives on Climate, Culture, and Conflict

The Perspectives on Climate, Culture, and Conflict working group invites interested people from all backgrounds to participate. No prior knowledge is needed.

Over the next two semesters, we will address questions around concepts such as “climate determinism”, “climate science reductionism”, “climate conflict”, “environmental justice”, “environmental peacebuilding”, “unnatural disasters”, “slow violence”, “vulnerability”, “scarcity”, “human security”, and “climate security”. 

There are three 2-hour meetings with refreshments per semester, consisting of presentations, virtual guest speakers, and plenty of room for discussion. In addition to conveying relevant concepts, examining the literature, and providing input on the current state of research, the working group aims to be an open discussion space for interdisciplinary perspectives on the cluster of topics. The climate, culture, and conflict nexus offers links to a wide range of disciplines and is also a highly topical contemporary field.

If you have ideas for proposals for presentations or any other questions about the working group, please contact Dominik Juling. We look forward to seeing you!