The Practice of Literary Criticism, from the Whitney Humanities Center to The Yale Review

June 25, 2024

Three presentations from the Whitney Humanities Center’s March 29 Humanities Now colloquium, Method and Decolonizing Praxis in Literary Studies have been published by The Yale Review in the summer 2024 special issue on criticism. This folio features Jonathan Kramnick’s recent book, Criticism and Truth: On Method in Literary Studies, with responses from Ankhi Mukherjee, University of Oxford, Paul Saint-Amour, University of Pennsylvania, and Elaine Scarry, Harvard University.  


Kramnick’s is a vital book indeed, in the senses of both lively and necessary,” writes Saint-Amour, reflecting the Whitney Humanities Center’s framing of the panels as “a colloquium on vital books in the humanities.” 


Our colloquium explored the current state of literary criticism and future directions, in an afternoon focused on two recent works: Kramnick’s Criticism and Truth and Decolonizing the English Literary Curriculum, edited by Ato Quayson and Ankhi Mukherjee.  


Read the full folio here: The Yale Review Criticism and Truth 


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