The A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Research Fund and Frederick W. Hilles Publication Fund provide financial support to faculty working in the humanities at Yale. Applications for both awards will now be accepted biannually, with deadlines on November 1 and March 1.
The Griswold Faculty Research Fund awards grants for research projects in the humanities to faculty from across the disciplinary spectrum. Grants up to $8,000 per academic year may be sought for purposes such as travel to inspect primary-source materials, acquisition of inaccessible books or visual materials, and research assistance.
The Hilles Publication Fund assists scholars in the humanities at Yale with the publication of their books. Typically, the fund covers such expenses as indexing, images, charts and maps, copyediting, permission fees, fact checking, publisher’s subventions, and translations. Applicants may be awarded up to $7,000 for any one book.
Please visit https://whc.yale.edu/funding to learn more about these funding opportunities.