Verity Harte
Verity Harte is the George A. Saden Professor of Philosophy and Classics. Her research interests are primarily in the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle on a wide range of topics in metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical psychology, ethics, and political philosophy.
She is the author of Plato on Parts and Wholes: The Metaphysics of Structure (Oxford 2002), of numerous specialized articles on topics in ancient philosophy, and co-editor of Aristotle and the Stoics Reading Plato (London 2010), Politeia in Greek and Roman Philosophy (Cambridge 2013) and Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (Cambridge 2017). Presently, she is working primarily on a monograph on Plato’s Philebus to appear in the series, Cambridge Studies in the Dialogues of Plato.