From the Quadrangle

April 14, 2022 | Megan O'Donnell
If a person dies of dehydration, that’s it. They are gone. We would never think that pouring any amount of water onto a human corpse would somehow cause it to spring back to life. But that is not the case for all living things, as Carl Zimmer told a...
April 7, 2022 | Xinyu Guan
Films at the Whitney hosted a double bill of Maurice Pialat’s feature début, L’enfance nue (1968, Naked Childhood), and his prize-winning short L’amour existe (1960, Love Exists) on April 2, 2022. The event marked the second in-person screening...
March 21, 2022 | Xinyu Guan
Feet planted in the middle of the road, a young Black woman in a sundress stands alone against a phalanx of police in Baton Rouge. This moment, captured by photographer Jonathan Bachman in July 2016 freezes a singular moment of confrontation during...
March 18, 2022 | Megan O'Donnell
When the United States saw a spike in hunting license sales at the start of the pandemic, Camila Marcone paid close attention. She learned that for some, hunting became an affordable way to get food on the table, while for others it was an...
March 14, 2022 | Emily Tian
What new ways of thinking emerge when we turn novels into bags of words—when we count rather than close-read elements of a text? What kinds of knowledge can we produce when we convert pictures into pixels and make robots read covers of Vogue? Such...
November 3, 2021 | Dustin Gavin
The Whitney Humanities Center opened the academic year with the Finzi-Contini Lecture, delivered by Namwali Serpell, Professor of English at Harvard, Yale alumna, and author of several books, including her novel The Old Drift, which won the 2020...
June 17, 2021 | Clio Doyle
Founded in 1981, the Whitney Humanities Center has long been represented by a single image that graced the second-floor lecture room at 53 Wall Street: a carving of a ship above the mantle. But that ship sailed when the Whitney moved out of 53 Wall...
June 13, 2021 | Doyle Calhoun
It’s hard to miss, but I passed it twice before realizing what I was looking at. Just in front of the gare centrale in the Plateau region of Dakar, in the middle of a rond-point, is a bronze statue of two men atop a white pillar. The area is crowded...
April 30, 2021 | Clio Doyle
Here at the Whitney Humanities Center, we are very excited to be part of the new Humanities Quadrangle. But, although recently reimagined and renovated to function as a humanities hub, 320 York Street has a long history of housing humanities...
April 12, 2021 | Clio Doyle
As you enter the new Humanities building at 320 York Street—the Humanities Quadrangle, or HQ—you might notice twelve stone heads looking down at you from the arched entrance. Although the heads’ exaggerated ears suggest a certain looseness with...