East Asian Feminist

The East Asian Feminist Working Group seeks to explore and understand the nuances of feminist and queer movements within the East Asian context. As a working group, we invite scholars from all Yale disciplines and communities who engage with gender, sexuality, and feminism work in East Asia. We meet bi-weekly to delve into a wide range of topics related to gender relations, feminist and queer theories, intimacy, family and intergenerational relationships, dis/abilities, militarism, colonialism and nationalism, and social change in East Asia. Through reading sessions and discussions, members dissect historical developments, current trends, and future possibilities for queer feminism in the region. Moreover, we draw from transnational feminist theory to understand how feminist and queer subjectivities and ideas travel and translate across borders in East Asia. This working group serves as a forum for intellectual exchange and fosters a supportive community to empower individuals and advocate for feminist and queer futures in East Asian societies. It’s an urgent initiative not only to critique and contextualize Western-centric scholarship but also to explore and highlight East Asian feminist perspectives amidst pressing global issues. We strive to enrich academic exchanges in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and related fields, aiming to enhance the intellectual fabric of Yale University.