Bringing His Own Skin to Market and Has Nothing to Expect but a Tanning: Dramatis Personae and Their Bodies

October 21, 2020

Massimiliano Tomba is Professor in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Previously, he taught political philosophy at the University of Padua. He has published several texts on the political philosophy of Kant, Hegel, the post-Hegelians, Marx, and Walter Benjamin, among them Krise und Kritik bei Bruno Bauer: Kategorien des Politischen im nachhegelschen Denken (2005); La vera politica. Kant e Benjamin: La possibilità della giustizia (2006); Marx’s Temporalities (2013); Attraverso la piccolo porta: Quattro studi su Walter Benjamin (2017); and Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity (2019).