Introducing the Humanities Faculty Bookshelf
If you’ve visited the Humanities Quadrangle in the past several days, you may have noticed the covers of books by your colleagues displayed on one of the monitors at the front entrance. In a team effort to publicly support and celebrate the wide range of individual faculty scholarship in the humanities at Yale, the HQ lead coordinator and Whitney Humanities Center have launched the Humanities Faculty Bookshelf. This new virtual exhibit features rotating slides of recently published and forthcoming books by Yale authors.
Like many initiatives hosted by the WHC and housed in HQ, the Humanities Faculty Bookshelf is a collaborative endeavor. Diane Berrett Brown, the WHC’s deputy director, and I gather bibliographic data and design individual book slides; then Cliff Baird and Tyler Claxton—HQ’s audiovisual specialists—upload slides to the monitor; Marsha Marcum, the HQ lead building services coordinator, provides central coordination.
We hope that the Humanities Faculty Bookshelf will both celebrate and inspire. Along with this ongoing celebration of publishing in the humanities, the Whitney Humanities Center will also project the Humanities Faculty Bookshelf on a large screen at our end-of-the-year book party on December 6. Books published—and their authors—will be toasted; please plan to join us!
Want to submit your book?
Simply email us at with the subject: Humanities Faculty Bookshelf 2023, [Your Name]. In the body of the email please include the full title of your book, your name, your department(s), the publisher, publication date, and (if possible) a high-resolution image of the cover.
We look forward to sharing your work with the wider Yale University community!
Megan O’Donnell is the associate communications officer for the Whitney Humanities Center and a PhD candidate in the English department at University of Delaware. She works on depictions of ecology and the environment in nineteenth-century British fiction.